Ready for birth

I’m currently 38w & 3 days. Anybody else just feeling over it 😭 I’m ready for baby girl to get here. 🙏🏾It seems like I’m not having much signs of labor aside from constant Braxton hicks,pressure. And frequent urination. I see everybody else having their baby when they have the almost the same due date as me 😭
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i also have 0 signs of labor 😭 going to deep clean my apt since i have the energy rn in hopes that will do something ahah

Same here, no signs, feeling tired , I am over it. 🥹

I feel you! 40 weeks today & still no major signs of labor other than much more frequent braxton hicks🙃 hopefully it’s our time soon mama!

@Gabby that has been one of my forms of walking. I can easily get 10k steps just cleaning this dang house

Yup… doing as much as I can to try and get even the start of something. Walking, pumping, tea, etc. I really don’t want to get to 40 weeks since he was already measuring 2 weeks ahead but my next appt isn’t til 38+5 and that’s the soonest they’ll talk inducing. Hoping I’ve at least dilated by then.

Yes I am totally over being pregnant tbh

38w2d here 🙋🏼‍♀️ my csection is scheduled for the 9th so just trying to make it till then.

Yes I feel you..

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