Has anyone had to have the Anti D injection whilst being pregnant due to yours and baby’s blood type being different ?

I’m O- negative so have to have a test to see what baby’s blood type is
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Yes I had it last Tuesday x

Yeh I had them with my first and got to have the this time round and mine next Wednesday

@Lauren thank you for replying. I’m anxious about it and would like to know where on your body you had it if you could tell me ? X

I’ve had it twice - once after a miscarriage and one in pregnancy. After the miscarriage they did it in my thigh and in pregnancy it was in my arm. It was absolutely fine and I didn’t have any side effects after either

I've had it for all three pregnancies. For one they did it in my butt; for the others it was in my upper arm. You get it twice, and the first time (during pregnancy) is worse because it's more medicine, but it's still just a standard injection - stinging, some soreness for a day or two afterwards, then totally fine.

@Isabel I’m sorry to hear you went through that 🤍 thank you for your reply and glad to hear you didn’t have any side effects

@Rachel thank you x

My baby is positive and I’m rh D NEGATIVE resulting in Me having had the anti D injection at 28 weeks I’m currently 22 But I know it’s usually in the top muscle of your bum Basically so that if you fall over and your babies blood mixes with you blood both of you won’t get ill main reason you have it basically x

I have same blood type like you and had one in my arm was really painful but other than that no side effects

I had it in my right arm, it hurt going in but nothing afterwards and no side affects at all x

Thank you everyone xx

I had it, I had the whooping cough vaccine the same day, and that one made my arm ache more tbh 😂

@Charlotte oh wow double trouble ! You’re brave haha xx

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