Potty training with delays.

My son has had two surgeries before the age of two and is having to go through another. Because of this, he is a little further behind than his peers. I know it’s time to start potty training but I’m concerned he won’t quite understand yet. He shows signs that he’s interested. Going into the bathroom with his dad, taking his diaper off, hiding when pooping, etc. I’m looking for suggestions and advice. I feel guilty because I read he should be potty trained and I am having a hard time not relating him to other kiddos his age. Any tips or advice? Thanks!
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Don’t stress mama. My baby is almost 3.5 and still not potty trained. My almost 5 year old didn’t potty train till around 3.5. There is no right or wrong time. Your little one will let you know when they’re ready.

@Stephanie This honestly makes me feel so much better. I don’t want to do a disservice to him, you hear people saying things and assume that’s the right answer. But what you said is true, when he’s ready he’ll tell me. Thank you!!!

I'd recommend reading "oh crap", I felt that by reading that, it gave me the confidence to believe in my kiddos capability and to then help them succeed at potty training 👌

@Kristen I know it’s the norm to try and potty train as soon as possible but our pediatrician told me to take our time. My stepson is 14 and struggles from bathroom issues that we believe are due to being potty trained to soon and also a negative experience potty training. When my almost 5 year old was 2 I attempted to potty train various time and it was stressful for me and her. Then I waited until she was 3.5 and it was SO smooth!

This is still kind of the earlier time to do it. You aren’t behind and it’s best to wait until you really think your kiddo is ready we just started trying to potty train a few days ago and only starting because my son kept grabbing his butt and panicking and running to get a new diaper when he had to go. So far we haven’t had any success but he’s practicing telling us (he usually tells us right after he went though) but we go he sits on the toilet for a few mins and we read potty books then he gets to flush the toilet because that’s a random thing he loves to do and we wash our hands.

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