Pregnant mamas with toddlers

How you doing 😩 The last couple weeks have really started to hit with tiredness and pain and wow chasing round after a 13 month old is really taking the last bit of go I’ve got 😂
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I feel you! I have a 3 year old and definitely struggling now

i’m so exhausted & struggling big time!!

Exhausting I have a 20 month old boy that loves to be causing chaos at every given moment 😅

I’m feeling you on this. My little girl is coming 2 in 3 weeks and omggg she doesn’t bloody stop😂 the tiredness I’ve feeling is next level and my feet keeps swelling up. I want this baby out of me right now lol😂😂

Definitely not as relaxing as it was the first pregnancy 🙈 Mines 2, mum guilt sets in when we just have a lazy pj day at home but sometimes it's definitely needed !

I have a 2 year old who’s very clingy and always wants me to pick her up and she’s so heavy! Always wants me to do things for her rather than daddy.

I've got a 4 year old. I didn't think I'd be so thankful for her starting school and me seeing her less 😅 it's been a looooong summer

@Claire my LG is 2 and is the same st the minute

@Rachel it’s hard isn’t it! And when we go shopping, she won’t go in the trolley. She sometimes walks but then wants me to pick her up!

It's exhausting!

@Katie this cracked me up 😂😂

I have a 2 year old and he’s suddenly become all about mummy. Won’t often let my husband do anything if one there. He’s never been like this. Think he can sense somethings about to change 😂

@Rachel I have wondered if they can tell! My boys always been very clingy to mummy but seems to go extreme in both directions all of a sudden

@Claire everything is Mammy. I want Mammy. No to Daddy. So clingy. She was the same when we went shopping Saturday as well. It makes me feel guilty already for whats to come🥲

@Rachel my MIL sent a post to me that said when mummas are pregnant (especially towards the end) we release really high levels of oxytocin which is why their other kids suddenly become super clingy and cuddly. My 2 year old is fuming when daddy has to put her to bed and not mummy 😂 x

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@Zoe I think there must be something in it. I’ve seen a few people say this. Daddy is always at work still when she goes to bed so on his days off she won’t let him put her to sleep🫣😂 it’s always me xx

It is so exhausting, me and my 13 month old both just had a week of flu and now teething. Still got 8 weeks to go and I am done already 😴

@Kirsten oh god that sucks. We’ve just come out of a solid week of teething and feeding every 40 minutes through the night and it looks like we’re about to head back into another stint 😭 we’ve got 10 weeks left and I’m just wiped out 🥴

Honestly exhausted! I have a 2.5 year old, 30 weeks pregnant and I’m pretty tired. Xx

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