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My LO has her first cold and I’m the only one stressing😭 she’s literally still the same happy baby and I’m just ready for the sickness to pass lol. Anyone else LO had their first sickness?
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She’s gorgeous! What are her symptoms? I think my girl may be coming down with something but I’m not sure

@Mandy thank you!💗 she started with a runny nose on Sunday and this morning she had crusty eyes and a slight cough. This is literally her after her catnap lol. The cold is kicking my butt instead of hers😂😅

Yes our babies are resilient!

Mine did at 2 months :( babies are resilient! Just warm baths, nose suckers and baby Vicks helped mine!

@Allison that’s what I’ve been doing even though she hates me being in her nose lol.

omg stop she is so cute

yeah my boyfriend got our toddler sick and then she went on to cough directly in the baby’s face multiple times 🙃🙃🙃 they’re both over their cold but baby is still draining. he has big boogies almost all day long.

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