
I just found out this morning that I’m pregnant with a digital test. I’ve been testing but they all said negative but I decided to test with my very first pee which has been at 4am. I took another test when I fully woke up and it said negative so I’m not exactly sure how far I am. We started trying the end of July! I got my period 8/1-8/5 but my cycle is longer than 28 days so I ovulated I think on the 22nd. Does anyone else ovulate later? Also, I have been sooooo hungry and my boobs hurts (did not have that with my first baby). My son will be 1 this Thursday so we’ll have 2 under 2, hoping this pregnancy is smooth 😅
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My son turned one today so I will also be 2 under 2!

@Brittany did you just find out?

@Janelle yeah, I found out yesterday lol

@Brittany are you having any symptoms? I got sick this morning for the first time

@Janelle with my son I had pretty much no symptoms of pregnancy except being tired . Till the very end of my pregnancy. With this one I have had no symptoms except I am so tired. I just feel so exhausted constantly.

I have almost the exact same last period date and my cycles have been around 40 days. I ovulated on the 25, I believe. I am pregnant!! Got a positive days ago but my first solid line was today (day of missed period). You still have time to check! I went and got blood done to confirm

@Devon I ended up going to get a blood test and it was negative and I started my period yesterday 😔 idk if it was a chemical pregnancy or what…

😔😔 so sorry

My daughter will turn one next month, they'll be 19 months apart 🥹

@Janelle oh girl, I am so sorry 😔

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