Family daycare or Childcare

I’m starting to research childcare and have always been extremely nervous about putting bub into care but it’s gonna have to happen. Mums, may I please have your recommendations/ experiences on which is better - a family daycare or a childcare center and why? Forgive me if my terminology is wrong, I’m very new at this. Also any recommendations in the Manly/ Wakerley/Tingalpa area would be lovely.
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Apparently Kathy's House Family Daycare in Wynnum is a good one! If we lived out that way I'd be looking there for my bub, my boss recommended it to me. Best of luck finding somewhere that feels right for you and bub ❤


Hi Mumma! I’ve got 2 children who do a mix of both FDC and a long daycare centre - I have a family member who also works for Family Daycare Wynnum bayside who are the local authority for your area. Family daycare is amazing lots of pros: - smaller environment and much more focused care - less sickness - generally the children form very close bonds with one another and the educators due to there just being less - I found with my 2 they much prefer it and love going and do get a bit overwhelmed at the long daycare centre - my baby went into FDC at 6 months and can confirm he sleeps 2-3hrs a day there compared to like 40 mins in A centre because he’s the only baby in the cot in a room on his own. Cons: FDC is generally always full especially if they are a good educator vacancies are rare and the waitlist can be very long so best to get on a waitlist early. A lot of family daycares don’t take babies under 1 sometimes even 2 years. Another comment coming 😅

You also are generally responsible for doing lunches/ bottles/nappies/wipes/hats/sunscreen you name it - it all needs to be packed so the nightly process of doing the bag is a lot more work then most daycare centres who supply a lot of that. You also need to account for if and when your educator has leave you have no other care options and the days are usually shorter compared to long daycare (8hrs vs 12) Long daycare can also be amazing just really depends on the child and the centre. Obviously a lot more children and a lot more busy - which to be honest once they hit about 3 is really good too and the social aspect is important as they get older. Waitlists for a good centre can also be a year long. It’s such a personal thing but honestly both can be great and both can also not be a fit for your family so good to go and check both out and see what you feel resonates with you.

Thank you so much ladies. I saw on the news, a baby died at a FDC in literally my area and it’s thrown me off and I’m freaking out, even though I’m like, well this could happen anywhere!

@Jess very helpful and informative thank you ☺️ FYI my boy is also Ari! 😆

Hahah! Great name! But Yes so tragic, But yes you are so right, could happen anywhere 😭 feel free to PM me about what happened there and I can inform you about it- all I can say is the initial findings on that little ones passing had nothing to with FDC care - obviously still to be investigated.

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