How to potty train a toddler with autism

My son has autism will be 3 in December and he doesn't give me any signs of if he needs to go I have done every 15 minutes the one day and every 20 minutes another day. Tips or advice please...
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Following in this situation as well xx

Me too I need help

same here my little boy is 3 at the end of December

My little boy will be 3 this December too, hes autistic and i have successfully potty trained him

I have been on this journey fo 2-3 years now. I feel like I'm almost done. Here's my advice: Continue monitoring him. Try every hours then if it goes well you can space the time out like every 2 hours. If there is a regression go back to a shorter time frame. Add visual cards in your bathroom/toilets with the steps - pull down underwear, clean, flush, wash hands, dry hands. Ask the nursery/ day care to do the same in their toilets so the visuals are familiar. Use songs every time he goes so he associates the music to going to the toilet. (I use Pocoyo) Have LOTS of patience it will eventually pay off. Others also recommend the potty watch that vibrates on set times but I thought that would be my last alternative. Hope this helps

What i did, i took leave from work, i stripped him naked pants down and take him to potty every 15 minutes at first, he would sit but not go, he didn’t understand what i wanted him to do. I made him go on the potty in the toilet only! Took opportunity of the accidents to teach him we need to do it in the potty. We would clean the accidents together and i would put him on the potty after. I also started wearing him briefs and we completed stopped diapers, even during bedtime so when he has accidents the briefs wont hold and he knew that wasnt supposed to happen, it felt weird for him. So i always know when accidents happen and i rush him to the potty. I also put him first thing in the morning, after eating and before bed. I downloaded an app that really helped as well, its called potty whiz, it does a celebration my son loves when he goes, tracks when he potties and many more, although its paid. I also had a potty training picture step by step on the bathroom wall.

If you have anymore questions please let me know

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