Line progression…

2nd pregnancy but sadly our first ended in an early miscarriage at 6 weeks in March. These are my 11-13DPO tests and they seem really light to me? I know HCG takes 48 hours to double usually but I do see some on here and they appear much darker at 13DPO! Was feeling so positive 2 days ago and now I’m panicking it’s a chemical - been TTC since our loss. I really hope this is our time as I’m not sure I can take the heartbreak again. My GP refuses to see me to check on this pregnancy until 6 weeks minimum as I’ve “only had 1 loss” which is absurd to me! Any guidance would be hugely appreciated…
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I think you should wait a couple of days and then test again to see if there is progression. It seems to me the lines are a bit darker between 11 and 13 DPO, so could be just a slow progression.

@Boglárka I’m going to do just that and reminding myself it’s still really early. Thank you!

These are looking good! Changes in lines are so minimal this early on. I'm 11dpo with a squinter after miscarrying 8 weeks ago. Sending love x

Keep us updated!

@Hannah so sorry about your miscarriage but huge congratulations on your pregnancy ❤️ sending you love too x

How are you getting on with your lines?

@Hannah this was sadly a chemical. Started bleeding today. Absolutely heartbroken. Second pregnancy and second miscarriage.

I’m sorry.😔😢

I'm so so sorry to hear that :( my lines are looking very similar to yours, I'm also expecting the worst. What dpo did you start bleeding if you don't mind me asking?

@Hannah 16DPO so I’m only 2 days late o my period technically 😔

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