Line progression…

Can’t help but think this is going to be a chemical? This is my 2nd pregnancy but sadly my first ended in an early loss in March at only 6 weeks, so the anxiety is real! I don’t remember testing positive this early last time, I didn’t even seen a faint until after my period. Below are my tests from 11-13DPO (today) and I’m sure these are far too light. What do we think? Should I prepare for the worst? I haven’t even told my husband as we’ve been TTC since we lost in March and this is just too heartbreaking if we have to go through this again! Trying to stay positive but it’s hard! If this is all works out, I’d be due on 15th May ❤️
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They look like they are getting darker mine aren't very dark either at mo and only 3w3d

@Kay thank you for the reassurance. I’m only 3w5d today so not much further along than you. I know everyone’s pregnancies are different but I’ve seen so many 13DPO tests on here and they look SO much darker! Just got me panicking. I hope you’re doing okay and congratulations ❤️❤️

I've had 3 losses so totally get your worry and I think we prepare for the worst so look for things to confirm that. How u feeling in yourself etc

Mine look exactly the same… I’m 3weeks 6days ❤️

@Kay I’m so sorry to hear that. I don’t know how I’d mentally cope if I lost again. The first one was hard going and it’s been a long 5 cycles to get back to this point, it’s exhausting! I’m feeling fine - very sore boobs, mild cramping and v thirsty but other than that I don’t have many symptoms at all. I’m due AF on Saturday so I guess I’m anxiously waiting to see if we can get past that point! How about you?

@Jade congratulations ❤️ And thank you for reassuring me! Maybe I’m just expecting the progression/lines to be much darker - just scared the HCG isn’t doubling! Praying for our sticky babies 🙏🏼

I felt awful sat and sun so took the tests nausea isn't as bad but metal taste in mouth, no appetite and twinges. Never had these with my son or daughter

@Kay just shows every pregnancy is different! I don’t know if the lack of symptoms are also playing at the back of my mind too as I didn’t have many in March which resulted in a loss. Just overthinking I guess!

@Naomi order some first response tests off amazon! They gave me much darker lines compared to the easy @ home ones X

@Jade yes I have considered this! They’re just so expensive and I’d want loads to be able to see line progression 🤭

My partner got me some clear blue which will do at the weekend but honestly stop testing if its making u stress. Enjoy the moment until reason not to is what I've decided to do get on Groupon buy a dark scan for around 7/8 weeks

Yes I think you’re right! It’s sending me into a spin, I think even I leave it to every other day so I’m not obsessing over the lines as much. Wishing you a healthy pregnancy 😘

And you lovely

Sadly my lines never got darker. I’m absolutely devastated we’re having to go through this again 😢

@Naomi oh bless you I'm so sorry

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