Nervous of getting son tested.

He’s 4 and half and not potty trained. He’s 5 in December. Has zero interest. He was delayed in many areas of development. He didn’t crawl until 10 month old and didn’t walk until 18 months old. Didn’t talk until 2/2 and half. In full sentence anyways. He didn’t eat table food until 16 months old. He would refuse anything unless it was yogurt, apple sauce, or puréed baby food. He’s still a really picky eater and has a very strong preference for softer foods and has 10 to 12 safe foods he will eat. He does still throw tantrums( probably more than his brothers who are younger) Everyone I talk to about him says I defiantly need to get him tested, and I am just worried I don’t want him labeled stupid by people or something. I know he’s not stupid. He’s really smart in certain areas and is delayed in others. I am going to ask my doctor tomorrow to get me a referral to get him tested and am just nervous about it.
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My son is only 9 weeks and my dad and his father have already been wondering what’s “normal” and keep bringing up autism. Having autism or delayed milestones isn’t a death sentence and if you believe your son is really smart then I wouldn’t let it get to you, he was made exactly how he is supposed to be and all you can do is teach him to the best of your ability and love him unconditionally. Some of the greatest minds were labeled with learning disabilities

My son is 5 in November he’s a picky eater throws tantrums he is not potty trained he was almost 3 when he really started talking 17 months when he chose to walk. we went through cmh got him tested my son if level 2 hyper active autistic.He’s starting preschool gsrp and the school doesn’t take outside diagnosis so they only say he’s delayed when talking about him.

I am the mother of an autistic child. Early intervention is everything. The progress a child can make with good ABA therapy is amazing. My best advice is to be completely honest in all the assessments. Communication between your family, physician, psychiatrist if applicable, teachers, any school support staff, and anyone involved in his care will be key. Ask your school district for an IEP and I cannot emphasize enough that if your child is not being given what he needs you need to reach out to a local advocacy group. My son is 11 and a half and in main stream classes, but still needs lots of support and it takes extra effort, but all we are doing for him is paying off. Send me a message if you have any questions.

@Shelly aww I am sorry you’re dealing with that :( Since he doesn’t turn 5 until December(not when school starts) and he isn’t potty trained, we are homeschooling him for kindergarten. It may not be long term and eventually he may go to public school but isn’t enrolled in public school yet.

It's important so you know, in order to help understand and bring out his best self. Different doesn't make someone less

Update. The appointment was for my youngest the 2 year old. We are going to schedule an appointment for my oldest in a separate appointment so I can go through my concerns about him more and what we should do. In the meantime a social worker and speak therapist will contact me though.

I feel like he’s still too young to get tested. I would wait another year or two. But that is just my personal opinion. But I definitely wouldn’t let others get in your head. You know your child best, but also do what you feel is right and necessary for your child.

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