Wandsworth housing council

Hiya just wondering anyone that been housed by the council, I was in band B general needs que position 180. However I’ve logged in today and have been moved to band B homeless Que position 239, nothing has changed circumstances wise so I’m bit unsure as of why I’ve been moved .. or if this is a good or bad thing ? Any advice ?
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Different bedroom requirement?

@Jessica no it’s always been 2 bedroom need so weird

So turns out it’s because they’ve realised my son is under 3… so there gonna offer me a permanent 1 bedroom which is pointless as I’m already in a 1 bedroom so it wouldn’t be a “permanent” anyway so seems pointless waiting for help anymore

They offered my 1 bedroom as permenant. Just means they can just push you further down the list as your technically not homeless x

@Jessica yeah they’ve put me in a temporary one bedroom now which I actually don’t even mind I’d rather stay here, cause it seems pointless to move me somewhere else that’s also a 1 bedroom when my son’s nearly one. Just the hassle of moving and doing up somewhere new

@Jessica so would they eventually give you a 2 bedroom? Or do you think they’ll keep you there. They basically said that on the phone to me once we’ve given u a “permanent” one bedroom your no longer homeless but I’m not technically homeless right now either so I don’t see the point of being on the list and waiting for another 1 bedroom when that’s what I’m in right now if you get what I mean

They will, I’m on the list for a 2 bedroom now. But just the less urgent one. It’s just that way it works frustratingly

@Jessica makes sense girl I hope you get it soon 😩thanks makes more sense for me now

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