
what were your symptoms before you found out? my periods are wayyyy off but around the 23rd i spotted then i “bled” for a day or two but it felt like i was literally peeing myself and usually my flow is you know “thicker” so i thought it was odd, and after i spotted for 2 ish days, and my cycles usually last 8+ days but i had “ovulated” the week prior so im just curious if it could’ve been implantation or my period either or would be great 🤣
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i found out quite early but the first thing I did get was sore boobs! literally like the whole boob was sore and it felt like my nipples were on fire it was horrendous 🤣 but I did have bleeding similar to yours before I got a positive test!

I missed 2 periods but didn't think anything of it as my periods were all over the place anyway- I have PCOS. I did have some spotting which was implantation but at that point I had no idea! Same as above, I only took a test as my boobs got so so sore I couldn't zip my coat up! And I was overly emotional, like crying about everything and I was ANGRY to the point I quit my job and then 2 weeks later found I was pregnant🤣🤣

@Jade girl i usually spot a week or two before my period for like 2 days, then stop thennn i get my period, but this time i swear it felt like water was coming out of me!?! it was so odd, but all my usual PMS symptoms aren’t showing up, i usually have super sore boobs but further up my chest bone, and get weird leg cramps, so i’m just waiting to see🤣my period is wack sometimes like girl get it together

@Katie i’ve been so frustrated like UGH my bf literally sets me off for the dumbest reasons, lately it’s been him leaving his stuff everywhere but im waiting to take a test cause i always get my hopes up and i take a test then get my period the next day🤣🥲

@Serina was it the same colour as usual? my periods are all over the place but when I had my implantation bleeding it was a lot lighter and there was zero clotting, I had mild cramps too but nothing anywhere near what I have usually with my periods! I get sore boobs with my periods too but pregnancy boobs are on a whole other level 😭 I was SO glad when it stopped because it was vile to have to deal with lmaoo

@Jade it was like a really brownish orangish, color but it was sooooo so watery it felt like it was rushing out of me, when i was spotting it was super light pink but no clotting which is not the usual for me during my periods, i definitely get them the whole time and i had like a stabbing pain at one point stg it felt like i was being stabbed with a knife

but then again i’m just gonna give my period another week cause she usually is a week late then comes i think i was “supposed” to start last friday but my periods are never on track🥲

@Serina I'm keeping everything crossed for you gorgeous girl, I know how upsetting that feeling is. I always wanted a baby since I was a kid, in school when they'd ask "what do you want to be when you grow up" my answer was always "a mum". I came off contraception at 17 and started trying for a baby with my very first boyfriend. I found out I have PCOS and I didn't fall pregnant until I was 24!

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