
Hi we just started trying very recently, we are very new to this so don’t know alot . But I’ve been doing research and it says to have sex everyday or every other day in order to get pregnant. We have been doing it twice a week or three max a week for a month. You can say this totals to around 8 times a month varied out throughout. Would this be enough to get pregnant? Or would it need to be every days so around 4 times a week etc till close to your period ?
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do you track when you’re ovulating? that’s the time to prioritize trying! otherwise just do it as much as you can

As long as you’re having sex during your fertile window then your chances are higher - you definitely don’t need to be having sex every single day throughout your whole cycle, I’ve been there and it’s hard work and never paid off! We tried for years and ended up conceiving after only having sex once in my cycle! X

I also advise getting the prescribed folic acid, 5mg version. As plus size ladies we need a bit more than the over the counter type.

Get to know your cycle and then you’ll know the key times to be having sex to conceive. Some women (I say some because only after having a baby do I now have this!) have cervical mucus that is like an egg white consistency that indicates you are in your fertile window. This is usually around a week after your period finishes. For me it’s 5 days after my period finishes and last 2-4 days. Ovulation tests confirm that’s when I ovulate also. Ovulation tests are very helpful. I have a 16 month old. I wasn’t really tracking that month because I felt like my life was being consumed by trying to make a baby but felt ovulation cramps, tested and sure enough peak day and we made a baby. It took a few months though! Don’t expect this to be a had sex on the right day I’m pregnant situation. 12 months is normal for TTC before conception. Also book in with a dr and get a pre pregnancy health check done. You’ll be surprised what they can see from just a blood test! Good luck! Baby dust!

Theoretically, there's only a short time when women can get pregnant, and that is around ovulation. Women who have a regular, 28-day cycle are likely to be fertile around day 14 of their menstrual cycle (day 1 is the first day of your period), but this can differ in women whose cycles are shorter or longer. So basically two weeks after your period begins, ROUGHLY, you ovulate and are in your 'fertile window'. It is unlikely to conceive outside of this window. You can use apps to guess your fertile window but it's not super accurate. I recommend getting some ovulation sticks - they will tell you exactly when you are fertile and when is the best time to have sex to try for a baby. Generally this is the 3-5 days before ovulation, the day of ovulation & the day after. So essentially there's like one week a month when you're fertile and can conceive and getting pregnant outside of it is unlikely. So having sex outside of that week window is for fun rather than conception :)

Just to add to what Alexandra said - ovulation tests don’t tend to work on women work PCOS so just to be mindful about that if you do have PCOS x

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