Sorry to hear you’re experiencing this. Have you tried having her checked for a tongue tie or lip tie?
@DAYSH she drinks formula. we’ve given her it warm, cold and room temp. she only likes cold but then throws it up 2 mins later
@Kamara (Kam) I think she has a lip tie, no tongue tie! Not sure if a lip tie would cause this
What brands have you tried? @Trinity
@Lana Philips, Dr Browns, Mam and Boon
I know these are expensive but this is the only one that worked for my baby @Trinity
@Trinity sounds like she is not handling the formula well. Are you nursing as well or pumping?
@Casey just formula! She’s been on this brand since she was 4 weeks old and she’s now 6 months
@Trinity sorry I misunderstood cause you said latching. I have no advice sorry
I think it’s cause she’s teething also, have you considered trying solids? She might be ready
@Maureen we’ve been doing rice cereals with a small mixture of purées since she was 5 months old! She loves it
Great !! Try giving her some , she might eat and sleep
I’d try a cup or weighted straw if nothing else works
@Daria That's what it sounds like to me. Especially now she is refusing but showing signs of hunger.
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Could it be teething or sore throat?
Could it be a bottle aversion? One of my kids had this and I had to feed him asleep 🫠