
Anyone else suffering from really bad anxiety. I feel like im at a loss of what to do. Im hyperfixated on movements I think about it morning noon and night. I wake up in the middle of the night thinking about it, and I think about it all day and convince myself there's something wrong with baby. I feel him kick but not very frequently just every now and again. I have already been to triage for the same things just under 2 weeks ago and had a private scan just over a week ago, but im still convinced there's something wrong and nothing eases my mind. I'm 27 weeks now and had a super active week last week, and this week has been super slow for movements. Its my first pregnancy and I dont trust my instincts so always feel like something bad is about to happen. I feel like the speed in which I got pregnant has made me feel like its too good to be true. I got pregnant first month of trying and the thought that I could carry to term seems ridiculous. Does anyone have any advice because I feel like im going crazy.
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I don't really have any advice Lucy to be honest, but I just want you to know that you're not alone! I'm in a similar situation to you, last night I woke up just to count how many kick there were to make sure baby was doing okay, she was super active on Monday and the last few days not so much, which is a worrying time especially as I'm also a first time mam to be. I'm also convinced that I'm squashing her in there, when I'm sitting up right. I definitely think this sort of worry is a normal thing that a lot of first time mams go through, so don't be too hard on yourself. If you feel like it's really bad then I'd definitely talk to your midwife about your anxiety. I'm 27 weeks as well and look forward to every Tuesday as I know it's one week closer. I really hope you find some way of easing your anxiety.

Yes! I had this in my first pregnancy! I went in quite a lot too, and i was also up at 5am calling the out of hours maternity unit! but i also had anxiety support thru midwife team and my own therapist prior to and during pregnancy (1st trimester triggered a panic attack and an extreme anxiety I have never experienced before) Do you have any ongoing support for your anxiety? I think its normal to not know what to expect 1st time. And also u sound like you’re in disbelief still? Also when scan and midwives check, are you relived or do you feel like theres still something wrong? These are all things you could explore with a therapist which might be helpful. But anxiety is expected and OK, just helps to get it managed :)

Yes, 100%, I actually got referred to the NHS talking therapies because I was talking to my midwife about how it's too long between scans, as I've had a previous loss, and she was great, did let me go in for another (this was at 16 weeks) but also gave me a link to the talking therapies lol. I'm trying my best to deal with the not knowing, but it is REALLY hard, and the uncertainty can really get to me, so, you are 100% not alone, and the midwives in my area are super nice, and although I've only panicked and gone to triage once so far, I know they will be ok with it if I go again (and again, and again)

My first baby, it took a while to get into a pattern. But i had a sugar and caffeine free diet back then 😅 and i was still anxious about it. 2 weeks ago i was given caffeine when i asked for decaf along with a pudding to share with toddler but had to wolf it down as he ate really fast. That night baby and toddler were up a lot thru night and v active. Next day baby barely moved, i tried drinking water or fruit juice n laying down 15 min. Then jiggling them about then liying down again. Got v few movements so got checked and they were fine! But this triggered my move to stop sugar and get my routine back. Its only this week that i feel regular kicks now at 5am, before lunch and 6pm and 8pm when im relaxed, not otherwise. The pattern took a while to get recognisable. I have stomach bug now and i think movements have changed again which isnt comforting 🙃

Hiya, I get this worry too - I’m 24 weeks and haven’t noticed a routine as such, just make sure that if I haven’t felt it in a while I do something to check it’s ok (music, cold water, lying on side). Do you all feel your baby has a routine?

@Eleanor mine has zero routine and I'm almost 27 weeks.... The only things that almost guarantees movement, is after dinner. If I don't feel him for a while day, I get a little worried now, but also, I have anterior placenta, so I'm fully aware he IS moving around, I just can't feel him.

Unfortunately I don’t have any advice either but you are definitely not alone in your feelings! This is actually my second pregnancy and I thought I’d be less anxious this time round having been through it all before, but I’m still constantly overthinking movements too. It’s really hard not to, it’s your basic instinct as a mother to worry about the welfare of your baby!

Absolutely not alone. Baby is usually quite active every day. I’ve had an active two days. Had my 24 week appt yesterday and heard babies heartbeat clear and strong. Baby even kicked the wand out of place when midwife was counting 😂. Midwife was happy with everything But today I’ve only felt faint movements but definitely hourly. It’s like they’re as tired as I am from the last two days! I don’t have the best instinct with this either but I don’t have a bad feeling but if I do I’ll ring in.

I’ve just come out the other side of a high anxiety week. I convinced myself something was going to happen to me etc, we have good and bad weeks our hormones are all over the place. I also bled for 4 weeks from 15 weeks so that really doesn’t help either. It’s all very normal for us to be anxious ❤️

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