Help with sitting

My boy is 6 month old and hasn’t quite learnt how to sit well. He even hates being sat down. Because of that we are struggling to teach him how to go about it. Any help on how you guys are doing it?
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My son always hated laying down so this might not work for your baby since my baby loves sitting. When he is finished with a diaper change i play a game where I pull him up by his hands, just get excited when he is all the way up. I also sit him in the corner of the couch and read to him or play with his favorite toys. I sit him straddled on my leg and we look out the window or i sit him on my lap and we sit outside to watch cars and stuff. Ive been sitting him up on my lap since he was 3 months though to show him he can sit up

@VictoriaInterestingly he hates lying down as well. Lmao I don’t even know how to explain it. I think he just hates sitting down on his own or maybe his baby chair is not comfortable enough. Thank for the recommendations. I will give them a try

That might be it, my son doesnt like the baby chairs either. He only likes sitting if its against pillows, the couch, on my leg, in a tripod position or his stroller

All babies develop on their own pace. My son didn’t actually sit up on his own till closer to 7 months. It doesn’t mean they’re developmentally delayed. They just go at their own pace. Idk if you’ve even seen bluey. But there’s an episode where their mom was really sad because bluey was behind all the others and she felt like everything she did was wrong but it wasn’t. Bluey did her thing at her own time. One thing you can do to help your bub is use a boppy pillow. It gives them support and eventually they’ll want to try to work their muscles to try and sit. My daughter turned 5 months on the 21st last month and she’s still working on it. Don’t be discouraged just know. He’s doing what he needs and he’ll get to his pace in time.

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