
How many days after missed period would you keep testing for? 3 days late, had pains like it’s coming for the past 4 days but negative test, really confused, I’m usually like clockwork and have a 28 day cycle
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I didn’t test for my lg until I was 5 days late as I didn’t want to get my hopes up, even then the line was incredibly faint. I re tested 2 days later and it was a bold line

I tested when I was 8 days late and got a bold positive test after only 1 minute

I came back from holiday and was late coming on, did a test and I was 4 weeks pregnant

I’m literally in this same situation 4 days late now but negative tests… I’m so confused

I’ve tested again and negative, who knows what’s going on!

Me too let me know if you ever get any answers!

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