Not ready??

Hi, my daughter is 3 next week and we've been without daytime nappies for about 5 weeks now. However, it still seems she doesn't know when she needs to go to the toilet?? And will never take herself. We have had days without any wee accidents but it's very reliant on us making sure she regularly uses the toilet. Poos have been less successful because it's hard to anticipate when she needs it. Sometimes she will refuse to go and then have an accident 2 minutes later. And if we're not on top of it she regularly still has accidents. Should we go back to nappies and try again another time?? It already feels like we're very late to this after a few failed previous attmepts when she got really upset over it 😭 or just stick it out and hope she eventually gets it?
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It takes average of 6 months for them to say “oh I need to go”. You would need to remind her. That was our experience

Scheduled toileting depending on liquid consumption. The best is to perseverance because an accident will still happen. It took my daughter ~ 6 months to grasp toilet training. She still has accidents when we visit her cousins because of playing; she forgets to let us know that she needs to pee. We told her that accident is normal when we are toilet training because we are learning a new skill. Sometimes, sitting in a toilet without any pee is ok as long as we have tried. I had realized later on that my daughter doesn't want to disappoint me if she sits in the toilet without any pee.

Def stick at it. My daughter took probably 4mths for it all to really sink in. She still doesn't really tell us v often that she needs to go but will just take herself away to the bathroom when needed.

Thanks all, good to know it's normal to take a bit longer. I just feel like we're constantly taking her to the toilet and still getting accidents 😅 we'll keep at it 🤞🏻

I’ve been potty training for over a year (he’ll be 4 next month) and I’m still in a similar situation! Sometimes I he gets it, but other times I don’t think he can read his own signs! He has good control when we’re out and about but still relies on me telling him to go! He’s awaiting an autism assessment though as he has some developmental delays so I do wonder if I started him too soon in the first place!

We began potty training my son when he was 2.4, he is now 2.6! It started off that way too, he would only go if we made him! I realized I was kinda making him go.. rather than letting him feel the sensation. So I simply stopped telling him! He had many accidents which had a consequence, when you pee, you have to stop, clean up, which means less time for play! A lot of times they don’t want to stop playing, so I remind him, if we pee in the toilet, it means we play more (even if that meant I was late to things, I wanted to really reinforce that). So after a weekend of accidents, it finally clicked. Now he doesn’t have any pee accidents, he does his “pee dance” and I’ll ask him if he has to go which he will say yes and RUN to the bathroom. Poop too! Though poops, he will just walk to the bathroom on his own! We started potty training beginning of July, by end of August- he was pretty successful! Letting him feel that his bladder was full and his tummy had to poop was a game changer!

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