Congrats!! What a blessing
Anything you've been doing prior to getting pregnant should be fine :) just try to lift correctly so you don't do your back in :)
Congratulations 🥹🎉
I'm 39 weeks and still carry my 13kg toddler when she refuses to walk 😂
Congratulations, that must have been an absolute surprise for you both ❤️You’re all good mama! I was still carrying (*ahem*throwing in the air) my 22lb baby at 38+6. Almost 16wks and carrying 2 x 30-33lb toddlers. You’re okay as long as you feel comfortable doing it and not causing any pain. Make sure you look after yourself and your back ❤️
Congratulations!! Wishing you a safe pregnancy ❤️
Thanks guys! Loving all the sweet messages!
I’ve been carrying around my 38lb toddler around, it’s not fun but it’s not hurting anything
Congrats pretty!!! 😍
Yupp!! Once it happens once, we’re usually a bit more fertile. Congrats 🎉🍾
Congrats 🍾 the same thing happened to my bff she got 2 for 1. IVF baby then natural.
Congrats! I have an IVF baby too so I’m so glad you were able to experience a natural pregnancy this time around.
I’m 25+2 and carry my 25lb 13 month old. It’s more dangerous to try to move something with your foot. You pull things you never want to pull 😂 Congrats!
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Just mind how you bend, or move around and do not push hips foward while standing or carrying ( we tend to do this after pregnancies) and is doesnt support pelvic floor or makeit better. Keep posture and engage core as much as you can during your daily activities. The concern is mostly for the mom, babies are super safe in there, but pregnant people are more flexible and therefore prone to injury.
Absolutely fine. I found out I was pregnant when LG was 6 months old. Congratulations xxx