My girl started reception

Hi, so my four year old has started school this week and it’s my first child in school. I was working so I missed the school visit in June. I chose a small one form entry village school as I liked it when I visited. I am concerned by the lack of communication from the school team. They sent a get to know me pack in June (after I chased them up). I filled it in and gave it to the office. I found out that this has been misplaced. I then didn’t have any communication regarding my daughters start day, till I visited the school when they were setting up for school start (bear in mind I was working myself). They then emailed me back regarding the start date a day after her start date. There was no home or nursery visit and they have no information about her current details as the document was misplaced. I emailed reading breakfast club and wrap around two days ago, sent two emails and I have still not received a reply, I also asked in the office as I need her at the breakfast club by Wednesday. No response yet. Should I change schools or should I give it some time? Also what impact will changing schools have on my daughter p.s she’s a very confident girl who makes friends easily.
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I would say it depends on a couple of things, like when did you email about her start date? If it was in the school holidays when the school is closed then it makes sense that you wouldn’t get a reply. Also did they give you the opportunity to arrange breakfast club before the holidays? I’d have thought that would be something that would be arranged further in advance. Moving schools - well, that depends on what options you have locally that still have spaces. I would personally give the school a bit more of a chance unless you know there’s a school nearby with spaces that you really like.

I'd see if other school's nearby have places - it sounds like the current school has been a bit rubbish and if it continues maybe it would be better if your daughter wasn't too settled before you move her? I've mainly taught reception and nursery and I'd consider not doing any home or nursery visits to be a bit of a safeguarding concern x

@Heather really? My daughter’s school didn’t do a home or nursery visit, I didn’t realise this was a thing? Why is it a safeguarding issue.

@Lisa I was wondering this too!

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