UK Mamas who smoke?

Is there anyone else on here who smokes marijuana while pregnant in the UK? Feeling slightly ganged up on by midwife and wondered if anyone else was in the same boat?
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In what way do you feel ganged up on?

@Soph it’s just the constant guilt trip, u know the “if u don’t stop smoking ur baby will be small and premature etc etc”

@Hannah I mean that’s not ganging up on you, that’s telling you the truth. They have a duty of care to inform you of the risks you are taking and try to advise you to stop.

If it’s illegal in your area, they’ll test the baby at birth and if they come back with traces in their blood/feces then CPS will get involved. I smoked in the beginning to help with morning sickness but in the 2nd and 3rd trimester I stopped! Because it stays in the babies system longer than us!

@Soph I get that but they shouldn’t be scaring mums to be with info that is not a universal fact! I smoked all the way through with my daughter and she was 8lb 6oz and 12 days late! Just coz it can happen to some doesn’t mean it happens to all and they shouldn’t scare people with maybe’s!

But u might be one of the "some" Is it worth it?

@Hannah Right I get that! My son was healthy and 8 lbs, but you could be one of the ones were it does hurt your baby, it could be a chance. So they need to inform you but I agree that’s as far as it needs to go as far as health professionals. At that point it’s your responsibility and your choice you are your own person, but it could be a choice that damages you physically, emotionally, and financially. Not to mention your unborn child who suffers through the pain. You must determine if that’s a chance you’re willing to take. No hate here just love ❤️ just throwing my opinion out there

Stop for 9 months, you'll save some cash and have a healthy baba 👍

With respect, smoking is AWFUL for your baby, I class it as abuse! Just because your other baby was fine does not mean this baby will be. There's been enough research to know that it is linked to low birth weights, miscarriage, premature births, to name a few! They have a duty of care to inform you of the risks, but the fact you're feeling attacked means you know you shouldn't be doing it. I am not against smoking weed, as I do believe it has medicinal purposes (I personally don't like it) but not whilst pregnant or around children. Although, apparently because my profile stated I'm OK with it means I must smoke around my kids and they will abandon me one day 🙄

@Hannah what do you mean by universal fact? Everything Midwives tell you is evidence based. So yes there is evidence backing up whatever you have been told about risks. That’s not to scare you, that’s the truth. What you do with that information is up to you, but just because your baby before was ok, it’s not worth the risk in my opinion. But then I didn’t even have a cup of coffee or tea during my pregnancy.

I like to smoke but I gave up completely while pregnant and breastfeeding, i think its not fair on the baby as they don't have any choice and could have a serious effect on brain development, we just don't know how it could affect it. Not judging but personally i think its a bad idea

It's not just about baby being small etc. it can affect them as adults too. Make it more likely for mental health issues and/or neurodevelopmental disorders. The midwife HAS to tell you this information or she is not doing her job properly. She would be in trouble if she didn't. It is well-known they have to do this as part of their job. She is literally just doing her job. What you doing with all the info is down to you, but she can have a clear conscience now. What happens to anyone is a combination of genetics and environment. Pre birth and after birth. Each thing and combination gives a higher risk of something developing at birth onwards until adulthood. Mental health often doesn't show til later on, so you can't say for sure yet if your first child has been affected or not.


I smoked throughout my pregnancy (not proud ) but I was worried that going cold turkey would also had a negative impact and I didn't want to lose my baby , she came a day before her due day , beautiful, healthy and happy , Thank God . But not one day passed that I didnt feel guilty. Simply because , she didn't have a choice and that's not okay Xx as her mom my job is to do what is best for her including looking after myself . I smoked during my pregnancy as I had to stop what felt like everything else, coffee , cigarettes, drinking which wasn't very hard but when stress levels got too high the weed definitely helped but my partner andI have just quit completely so I can offer my baby girl a better life , that's my opinion and what I feel is best for us as a family ❤️ No judgement, but think about what you want for you baby and go with your gut .

I can definitely see she is battling with withdrawals while I get clean . It breaks my heart to see her struggling 💔 I cry most nights because she is so restless and I know this is my fault . She is 8 months old and it's the first time in her little life she hasn't had THC in her breastmilk . But I'd rather do it now and be better than wait till something happens and I think to myself "I should have quit ages ago".

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Sorry I'm not in the UK and I'm not sure of the laws there ,

This is really meant to be a judge free zone guys. She has come to us for some guidance. We all know that smoking during pregnancy can cause some issues to the baby. I’m personally not for it however, everyone smokes for different reasons and someone people don’t know they’re pregnant up until the day they give birth and do a lot worse. I believe you should do what you think is best for you and your baby. Not everyone can easily stop smoking and I’m sure she already has some guilt so let’s be a little bit kind here. We are all humans

Why are people in a 420 moms group just to judge them on what they want to do ? So weird to me smh . Anywayss … look up fetal testing for where you are and make sure if they do test and report to cps you stop at a good enough time to get it out the baby system so you dont have any issues

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