Has anyone ever been referred to maternal and fetal medicine for anything? I got a very slightly abnormal test result for the neural tube detects test, I have a sono with MFM tomorrow and am so anxious 😞
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Ive been seeing MFM because im high risk for preterm labor, and saw them throughout my last pregnancy too! 💗 I had more ultrasounds to check cervical length and in my past pregnancy, they prescribed me progesterone.

I always do due to my age, they usually do all my main ultrasounds. Hated the first one and quit on her but I love love love the one I have now. It’s extra care for you and baby!!

Yes! For my first pregnancy, I was considered high risk because I had blood clots in the past. I got more ultrasounds than a normal pregnancy and they are always monitoring you closely. I really enjoyed having an MFM specialist.

I have epilepsy and mental health medication that can pose a risk to LO heart development. It’s scary at first, and a few more needle pokes, but we absolutely love our perinatal specialist and we get extra ultrasound pics!

I saw MFM for pre-pregnancy counseling and recommendations because I have Grave's disease. My medications and hyperthyroidism wasnt something my regular OB was familiar with recommendations on. He gave a bunch of general recommendations, and I will go back to see MFM if any of the recommended scans show concerns. I have really enjoyed all of the MFM specialists I have met.

Yes i seen the same high risk dr i seen with my daughter with my son i love him so much i see mfm cause im high risk due to my blood pressure epilepsy and rheaumatoid arthritis

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