Toddler mom guilt?

I feel so guilty for what I’ve been feeding my toddler during this pregnancy due to having an aversion to cooking. I’m not sick anymore but I just can’t stand to cook right now. She’s been living off of snacks (I try to do healthy snacks like fiber bars, fruit, high protein waffles, “healthy” cheese crackers..) but the “meals” that she has are basically fast food chicken nuggets or chicken quesadillas. Every single day. I try not to do French fries and stuff always do apples and water as sides, no juice or soda. Anyone have suggestions for non-cooking meals or just anyone else feel the mom guilt too for how your toddler has had to eat while you’re pregnant
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Don’t even get me started on the guilt I have for what I’m eating 😭

Is there a way you can get someone to cook for you once a week or one of those services that provide you with ready meals? For toddlers, it’s really important to eat protein because that helps them grow in a healthy way. Maybe you could make some lentils that are really easy or some meat. Even an egg with cheese or put veggies in a steamer. It’s fine to do what you can, of course, but if you could choose what to buy I think that would be a great start! You also don’t want a picky eater. Good luck! You can do it!

@Sabrina totally agree I know protein is soooo important which is why she at least eats chicken everyday (but 99% of the time it’s in a chicken quesadilla or nugget form lol) also all of her snacks are the “high protein” versions… she does have some crunchy lentil snacks that she loves too. I didn’t even think about those ready to eat meals, that’s so smart, and would honestly be cheaper than eating out everyday! Thank you

Sounds good! Make sure the chicken she eats is hormone-free. There are a lot of cases of early-period in young girls because of that

I have toddler guilt with everything right now. I’m not as fun as I was before pregnancy even though I’m getting my energy back, and our food has gotten less healthy as well. I’m starting to cook more but find I’m not even interested in some things and it’s like everything has changed and now I fear my son’s likes are becoming more unhealthy especially from what we were eating in the 1st trimester. We used to be SO HEALTHY and I just feel guilty to my toddler AND the baby in my belly. I’m trying to add more veggies to everything like quesadillas, pastas, etc and he will eat that up. I’m also trying to be better about eating with him or letting him help because he always eats better when we do that but I just took a break when I was so sick and barely could eat. When he helps he will eat an entire sheet pan or vegetables to himself in his toddler tower. I’m mainly trying to make the meals easier on me, yogurt or oatmeal in the morning, leftovers for lunch, and easier meals for dinner

@Kelsey thank you! This makes me feel better, we were the exact same way, SUPER healthy before. I would never give my toddler fast food before and now here I am 🫠 My main fear is like you said, I don’t want her becoming picky since she’s getting some unhealthy things and could start favoring those (which I feel like is starting to happen). She’s only 18 months so I’m hoping it’s not too late, I try to remind myself that a lot of toddlers are picky at this stage and a lot of moms struggle to get them the healthy food anyways so to go a little easy on myself while pregnant cause it won’t be like this forever.

Girl if I’m being totally honest that’s pretty much how my 6 year old son eats at my house too but mostly because I’m terrible at cooking (not to mention don’t like it) 🤷‍♀️ at least she’s eating. I wouldn’t be too worried about it, especially if you don’t think it’s gonna be a long term thing 🥰

Yes be easy on yourself it’s not forever! And when you start feeding the baby I’m sure you’ll go back to your old healthy ways. That’s my plan! And as I get more energy back it’s getting easier.

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