baby with covid

hey mums just wondering has anyone’s baby had covid before or been sick and had a really bad caugh that sounds like there’s lots of mucus, i’m wondering if anyone has tips on helping loosen up that mucus or help her cough she’s 6 months old
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My 4 month old just had covid last week. What I did was warm showers (which she absolutely loved) and I got one of those nose sucky things to keep her nose clear. You can't really do much for them except for sleep, food, and baby Tylenol. Butbi hope this helps.... it worked for me

If you have any more questions, please feel free to reach out to me

My baby girl had covid at 3 months old, i had to take my baby girl to the hospital for covid bc she was passing out and not responing to us. We didnt know till the hospital told us she had covid.

My girl had covid at 6 weeks and we just gave her warm baths and something’s I would turn the shower in as hot as it would go to get it rally steaming and just sit in the toilet with her to let the steam clear her nose and I tried to suctions for her nose and they never worked my best bet was trying to tickle her nose ti make her sneeze haha

My girl had it at 8 weeks old and tbh she was fine. Just lots of snot, an afternoon of mild fever and lots of cuddling. Lasted a few days tops xx

My little one caught COVID and the rhinovirus (like a flu) at the same time just before Xmas when she was 2mths! I would suction out her nose every 1/2hrs, there wasn't much I could do for her cough. Sitting in the steamy bathroom, made sure she wasn't lying completely flat at night. It was the toughest 2wks.... My husband and I felt completely helpless as there really wasn't much we could do

@Rebelferret2001 we were the same with our little one. We didn't have a clue it was COVID as our 7yr old and we were fine. But we took her to the doctor as she was very lethargic and they sent us to the hospital where they did tests and found out she had COVID and the rhono virus at the same time....

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