Is the 2nd child really worse?

Hey I always hear how the second child is wild compared to the first. Does anyone have any other experiences? My first (14 months) is non stop. Never been a good sleeper, wakes constantly through the night, cat naps. Fussy with food. Always full with energy, like ALWAYS. I just found out I’m pregnant with my 2nd and I’m really scared about having another. I’m exhausted already. I’m happy about having another baby but scared at the same time.
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My first sounds just like yours. She is just so much. My son, though only 2.5 months, is a little saint. He only wakes once barely fusses and is just a happy baby so far. I’ve been waiting for the other shoe to drop but so far it’s just been my toddler giving me shit.

Omg I pray for a good second baby. How were your pregnancies? Apparently easy pregnancy = hard baby. Hard pregnancy = easy baby I have no idea. I didn’t think my pregnancy was easy or hard. And with this one. So far it’s ok, i feel wiped out every other day and nauseous everyday but I haven’t thrown up

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