Lack of Interest in Sex

Does anyone else have like ZERO interest in sex for the most part? I feel bad cause i love my husband and i find him so sexy, and i even have moments during the day where im like “yes let’s go!”… but by the time we actually get a kid free opportunity im just like uhg no im tired and i just want to sleep. And then each night we dont have it, i feel like it builds expectations to have it the next night. My husband is super patient, and sometimes I just fake interest cause I don’t want to wind up in a sexless marriage but dude— i have no real energy for regular sex in my life at this point and could very happily just go without it most days. Is anyone else in this situation? What are you doing about it? Help lol.
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Boosting because me too and idk what to do either :(

Yes sometimes. Sometimes i really want him and sometimes i do it for him. We also co sleep so it’s hard to find the time and place. My hubby has a high sex drive so i feel sad that he may be disappointed sometimes when i’m not in the mood. I try to keep up though

@Kendra SAME girl. I think I’m just so tired. And the baby wakes up sooo much at night and so sometimes it’s like okay use the 2 hour window of sleep we can actually get to have some time together? Or just go to bed so we don’t die? It’s such a rough phase.

@Wren sorry to hear you are going through this too. And also glad to hear it’s not just me lol

@Andréa nope as in you don’t have this problem? Or nope as in you don’t have interest in sex?

I’m really not sure what it is, I had a c section and I was never really into text after my c section but it didn’t help I got put on birth control not even a whole month after birth like maybe 2weeks..

@Wren i had a C section too! Interesting. Idk if it’s hormones or sheer exhaustion. Both maybe.

It could possibly be our birth controls too I have the nexplnon! But when I used depo it was fine! But depo caused me MASSIVE anxiety issues worse then I already had.

I can’t do birth control - it messes me up sooooo bad..

Same!!! Ever since we’ve had kids, I’m always so tired by the time bedtime comes around. I feel bad because he has a high sex drive but I’m exhausted after taking care of 3 kids and the house all day and making all the meals. My 16 month old is teething right now so he hasn’t been sleeping good and my 3 year old has been coming in our bed for months around 2-3 am and it’s just exhausting because I’m not getting the sleep I should be getting. So when 10 pm kids I’m just ready for bed

Yesssssss. Definitely have this problem! I try alcohol once the kids are asleep cuz it always boosts my drive. But I have also started reading romance novels trying to boost it? Not 100% sure yet if it’ll work but doing my best over here

We use a little vibrator, the size of a lipstick. It helps boost drive because I too can go days without having it. During pregnancy we would do it almost every day so from daily to almost weekly, it might feel like just another task. But try a vibrator. 😏

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