Is it just me or is being a full time stay at home mom really hard sometimes especially when you have no friends to talk to. Being a stay at home mom full time has its good moments but for me it also has its depressing moments as well. I really think having a friend I could just text and reach out to would help a lot
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When I used to be a stay at home mother, it was difficult for the first year as I also was going through postpartum depression. My husband and I were first time parents and we both weren’t aware of and/or know what were the signs/symptoms as I live an hour away from my family and 20 minutes from my mother in law (we have a good relationship but not as close). I had help from my family but not very much from my mother in law.. I didn’t have any friends to talk to either on a daily or so. Well, I did have a best friend but we fell out semi recently (not gonna go into details) so now I only have my husband and my son as my friends. I’m pregnant with baby #2 and working but soon to going back to being home. I kind of missing staying home even though it gets kind of lonely sometimes.

@s a r a 🥀 you and I have similar stories but I didn’t have depression I had anxiety. Now I am having baby 2. I work from home so I still feel somewhat in baby world I think it’s hard to just have baby stuff around 24/7 no adult time was my issue.

@Pauline b girl I have depression and anxiety. And I really wish I could get a job that’s work from home but I haven’t been able to find anything! I think having a work from home job would really help me as well

@s a r a 🥀 I live an hour away from my family now, and I never get to see them. It makes things worse that right now we only have one car and my boyfriend takes it never lets me use the car for no reason! So being a stay at home mom with no way to go do anything is very depressing most the time!

This is what this app is for…. To find friends local to you and connect with other mothers to share in our happiness and miseries.

Felt everything you said that’s me rn

Especially when ya have no family no friends it’s just you ur baby and baby daddy

@Brittany ya I had an old job that needed me so they let me come back as a temp working from home but it’s only for a year maybe two. They could let me go at any point if budget issues. My child’s father is looking for a job so I’m the main source of income. He helps with the baby now and has gotten really good with him. But I still do like 70% of the work. When he was working I was doing 100% and working 40 hours. I told him with two kids we would need a babysitter or I’d have to stay home. I never knew it was going to be so hard. I love breaks I might opt for the babysitter and try to stay working. Kidd time all the time was so hard

@Brittany also I see your point with having someone to talk to all I wanted when I stayed at home was someone to do the kid stuff with. Some company some fun for me. It was so boring and lonely. But no other moms could really adjust to my schedule or vice versa… I also found those mom play groups were so ackward and did not make friends. Just gotta let the years pass I guess

@Pauline b yes it really is very hard, my bf works 5-6 days a week 8-12 hours a day. So it is always just me and my daughter here at the house not to mention he takes the only car we have so not only am I here all day everyday without anyone to talk to I also have no way to just get up and go places. When I tell you that some days I would switch spots with him in a second and gladly that’s no lie. Just being able to get out of the house and have a couple hours to myself would be nice even if that is by working

@Makayla yes mam. Well my baby daddy works 5-6 days a week so really most the time it is me and my daughter. And it gets depressing not having anyone to talk to

it’s the most loneliest i’ve ever felt!! especially when she’s asleep

Yes! I struggle with this so bad! I actually may get a job just to get out the house and have adult interaction

I can relate. I’m in New Jersey but you can send me a message anytime🤍 I would love to talk!

Mentally it is hard but also there’s harder situations like being a SAHM and working from home and not having enough time for socializing or for your kid. Enjoy being a SAHM and use it… you’re free..go out, go to the park meet other parents there. Many go there everyday so friendships are easy if you see them often. Meet people online like in peanut. I’ve made a few great friends here and we go out to the park together, take the kids together to sports or host play dates and parties at our homes.

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@Brittany I feel the same, I'm going to be a stat at home with my little girl and new born, I have anxiety and depression and I have bad days, but no friends to talk to or anything, I love in a amazing place but being 28 weeks pregnant and 1 year I cant walk far.

I feel you 🥲 It definitely gets lonely and we just moved states so I feel super isolated! I also have 2 under 2 and it can be super busy. I hate complaining because I am grateful , and especially to my husband because he works super hard for us and he helps as much as he can but it’s definitely mentally taxing a lot of the time.

Amen! I have 3, a 4 year old boy who NEVER stops 🏃‍♂️, a 9 year old girl who really needs to be helping out more and an 11 year old special needs girl who is quite a handful and exhausting most days(thank God Schools back in!) My husband does help alot but he works and my daughter can be just too much for him. My friends have sympathy but just don't understand. My mother constantly judges (when she was younger she never needed friends, when she was younger she never went out and left the kids 🙄-I'd love to see her walk a day in my shoes BUT she's raised her kids, it's not her responsibility....) it's just so draining......I'm not even sure who I am anymore.

@Brittany It used to be like that for me as I didn’t know how to drive and we also/still have 1 car. When I went back to work that was 5 minutes away is when I learned how to drive. My current job is about 15-20 minutes away and when we both work, my husband takes me to work. Then now since our son is going to preschool, it’s gonna be a busy schedule. We have a park near home but half of the time, I didn’t want to be outdoors 😅 then when I do interact with other adults, I get socially awkward..

You can message me!! I found that listening to audiobooks helped me to fill like I had another adult to listen too

If you're looking for a virtual buddy, I'm available, but I don't shit talk. Positive thoughts and vibes only. I'm always looking at the good in every day. Message me if you can handle that.

I feel you, the fact that it so busy and free at the same time is a bit killing me, it lot of thing have to get done and attention to the kid, and you got shot break in-between but it too short to call me time, it also hard to keep up with friends and turn out I have none, they said you won't get lonely cuz you have your little one but hey sometimes we just want a bit talk with adult , dont get me wrong I love my kid, he is amazing but it would be nice if have someone to text or talk to, even general thing.

Being a SAHM can be really hard mentally due to the loneliness and lack of adult interaction. I would absolutely lose my mind if I was stuck at home every day! I make a point of leaving the house each day, even if it’s just walking to the park or running errands. My kids and I are all happier when we’re not cooped up at home 24/7. I’d suggest telling your partner you’ll take him to and from work 2 days a week so you can have the car. Tell him it’s needed for your mental health. Sign your kiddo up for a class, walk around Target, go to storytime at the library, check out a new park, go to a kids play place. Personally I don’t think it’s fair for him to have the car 5-6 days a week while you’re stuck at home completely isolated and have no opportunities to meet other moms. Plus your child needs opportunities to socialize with other kids and have new experiences! That’s really important for their development.

Hello I get where your coming from completely... I could also use a friend who gets it

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