In singleton it was the same as Charlotte. Usual visiting unless on the labour ward. Even in private rooms they'd kick them out if they went over (it was 10am to 8pm when I was in and he'd stay till 9 some days and they'd come and clear out if they saw him in with me when doing observations etc) dd
Same as Prince Charles I was induced on a Friday and had my baby early on Monday morning my partner could only stay for the visiting times until I was moved onto the labour room where he was obviously with me the whole time he had to leave at the end of visiting time that night and then came back in the morning xx
If something happens overnight, they’ll ring your birth partners to come in. If they want to move you over to labour ward to break your waters at night, you can request that they don’t do it until they’ve arrived! Always hearing horror stories about inductions, but I really enjoyed the experience! Good luck xx
I was induced in prince charles in May, my husband was allowed to be with me from 9am to 10pm, but could stay with me all the time once I was on labour ward.
I went into labour around 4pm on the 8th July, went into hospital around 2am on the 9th July. My partner was allowed to stay with me for the duration of that night, we were given a private room. I went down to labour suite around 2pm July 9th and my baby was born at 12:20am on July 10th. Up until this point my partner had been by my side. However, as soon as baby was born (via emergency c section) my partner was kicked out of hospital within 20 minutes of me giving birth and was only allowed to stay on labour ward with me from 9am - 8pm. This was at Wrexham so it may differ depending on which hospital you go to, I hope this helps!
I was induced in May at Prince Charles. My husband couldn’t stay overnight. He had to follow the visiting hours. But while was in labour he could stay because we had our own room. I went in on a Monday night by myself and he came back the next day at 7am and stayed until we left at 11pm on Tuesday xx
Not sure which hospital you’ll be giving birth at but the Heath shared this information on their social media yesterday about birth partners and visitors x
Back in March at the grange my partner wasn't allowed to stay when visiting hours were over until I got moved over to labor ward 😕
When I was induced end of June in PCH my partner was allowed in 8am-10pm. I was induced in the Wednesday night, he came the Thursday and the Friday same times. I went to the labour ward the Friday at 1pm, gave birth at 2:16am and he stayed until 6:30 when the midwives told him to go home and get some rest. But he could come back from 8am if he wanted to
I was induced in June at the grange, it was normal visiting hours 8-8, unless you’re actually in labour. Induction started on Wednesday, and waters were broken on Friday. She arrived at 9.56pm and they were able to stay until 1am, when I was taken back to the ward.