Is my daughter getting molested at school?

I have never dealt with this but something doesn’t feel right. My daughter was moved to preschool because she wasn’t getting challenged enough in the 2yo classroom. She always has a full fledge breakdown when I take her to school. I’m thinking it’s because she never really been to school and we started August 12th. August 26th she was moved to the preschool class and she was ok and didn’t freak out during drop off. She turned to me and actually said “ok bye mom”. The first day there when I picked her up she had a sore on her nose and she started wetting the bed, it progressed on to the second day then stopped. I thought maybe she wasn’t going to the bathroom enough since potty training is semi done in this grade. That night I noticed she also had a weird irritation on her vagina and said it itched but to me I thought it was a diaper rash. She then asked me to “suck it” while I put the a&d ointment on it and when I asked who taught her that she was like, “idk”. This was on a Friday night, so I took her to the dr Monday but the rash and irritation was gone. I put in my two weeks at the school since it is required before exiting. They told me since they only do live feed they can’t look back on where she got the sore and they can only keep a closer eye on her. So the last two weeks she was fine. I got in my head that maybe I’m hyper vigilant and maybe she was wetting the bed because she wasn’t emptying her bladder enough and the irritation is from the new detergent. Drop offs still tears but it’s not crazy like it was so I told the school we will continue since the preschool is going well. Yesterday was picture day and I dressed her up in a dress. She never wore a dress to school because I didn’t want her messing up her knees but I thought today wouldn’t hurt. Last night when we were getting into bed, she grabbed my face and said “you are so beautiful, let me see under your dress.” I calmly said, “did someone say that to you”. My heart was literally broken. She said no. I asked, “did someone look under your dress”. She said idk. I asked her did anyone touch her vagina and she said no, I then told her, “I am safe, you are safe, you can talk to me. Then anyone do anything that hurts or did anyone touch here” she was confused and kept saying I don’t know. I checked her vagina, it looked normal to me but idk. I don’t work so I am with her 24/7 besides when she goes to school. My mom thinks she’s around a kid that might be getting touched but we don’t know. I don’t know what is the next best course of action to take. Today I tried calling the school to disenroll her again but they said they’ll call me back. She will be 3 soon but other schools said she can’t skip up to preschool until her birthday. Im just thinking of disenrolling her and homeschooling again until her birthday, then she’ll start challenger.
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She didn't learn that on her own. Have thought about putting a scrunchie voice recorder in her hair?

I will tell you this… mother’s intuition is never wrong. Go with your gut sister! I suggest having a counseling session with someone who is trained in CSA, just to make sure & ease your mind. I absolutely wouldn’t take her back there. I wish I could give you a big hug ❤️ I’m sorry you guys are even going through this, but GOOD FOR YOU for being hyper vigilant

Hey mamas, I would consider home schooling her. I wouldn’t trust something is going on if she is repeating things. I would just play it safe. Trust your intuition as a mother.

@Yazzy no, I didn’t even know they had those

@Girlmama yeah we left the school

@Jasmine thank you. Just let me know I’m not tripping.

Glad you left. Can you share the name of the school so that others can be aware?

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