Milk amount

My LO for the past week or so only wants his milk. Huge milk phase. And I can tell he’s cutting some teeth. Is this a normal part of teething? Hes also not eating a whole lot of food other then some snacks here and there. He’s 17m
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My baby is the same 🫠 breastfeeding all day

My son cut his molars and canines at the same time two weeks ago, didn’t eat for four days & nursed around the clock. The only thing that touched the pain for him was Motrin, nursing & Camilla drops

Also breastfeed and totally normal pattern when he’s popping a tooth. Goes back to cluster feeding and minimal solids intake! 17m

I think it’s the normal ebb and flow of teething, but also our pediatrician told us between 14-18 months they sometimes hit a lull in growth spurts so their appetite might naturally decline a lil bit. Paired with teething it seems to be true with our LO Unless your pediatrician tells you otherwise I wouldn’t stress ♥️

Ty ladies! This makes me feel a lot better

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