People don't really seem to want friends

I have been trying for months to make some mom friends. I've met maybe one girl I clicked with because she actually responds and asks me things in conversation. Every other conversation is like pulling teeth! Others will start talking to me, and I ask them general questions to get to know them, and they give short answers and do not ask me any questions in return. Am I doing this wrong?? How am I supposed to interact with people if I am? How does anyone ever make friends if they don't want to share information so someone can get to know them??
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I get the same. It's so frustrating

Not only that they think you're weird for asking to hang out

@🍃Raven💨 yeah. Deffo don't ask that. Or offer your number or whatever.

I have been on this site for quite awhile now and I have literally given up on making friends. I just come on here for advise only now. I have women message me but never want to meet up. They just seem to just want to talk and some of them can't even start a decent conversation.

@🍃Raven💨 right!! Like why are you on here then?? And I get being wary because of your kids but that's why video calling exists so you can make sure the person you talk to is really who they say they are. Yes bad people still exist but you could always plan a group thing and invite a bunch of people! I may just give up in my current state and wait until I move to try again.

I found 2 very bad friendships on here when my daughter was very little. So I'm weary to

Am interested,let’s start friendship.i have been looking for a friend I can hang out with.dont feel alone you girl

As a mom, I want my child to make friends before I make friends. Maybe let that be your focus and friends will then come naturally?

It is frustrating. I have met some amazing women on here. A few of us don't even live in the same state anymore or at all, but we have kept up some form of communication. Some that are in my local area have just fallen off the face of the earth, and I assume they don't want to interact anymore, so I delete their numbers and move on. There is no point in hanging on to something that clearly isn't reciprocated. Sorry you're experiencing that. Feel free to message me if you happen to live in FL or long distance. I'm always open to meeting new ppl.

@Stephanie hi I have one daughter we don't live anywhere near Florida but I'm in need of a good mom friend

@Angela and if that is what works for you that's great! right now my kid is 4mo old so them making friends isn't exactly going to be how i get mine right now.


@Emma and that's completely understandable, but if you are too wary to even try putting effort into a new friendship then it's just a waste of time for everyone. That's mainly what the post is about bc nobody puts effort in

I Understand You Completely!!! So Bloody Annoying.

Idk where you're from, but l be your friend if you'll be mine! I'm new here, but trying to make friends.

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Im the exact same, it's very annoying. I'd love to be your friend x

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