No milk

I just pumped and nothing came out. I'm trying not to panic. Could my milk have dried up?? I pump a couple of times a day. Baby mainly has formula but was on the breast for around an hr this morning (alternating each breast) despite what I think may be a shallow latch. Has this happened to anyone and your milk has come back? I hadn't really eaten or drunk much at all today before pumping
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Sometimes when this happens I pump a little longer and get some. Even if that doesn’t do it don’t give up just yet. Pumping on E signals to your body to make more milk

You need to be consuming about 500 extra calories a day to produce milk effectively and drink at least 2 litres of liquid, be it water, juice, milk etc. Not too much caffeine because it can dry your body as its a dehydrator. Try eating oats too, it helps level your sugar levels and helps produce milk. It doesn't just dry up out of nowhere, but if you've not eaten or drank much then there's no calories to make the milk, especially if bubba has had milk from you today as well. Try having a large drink of water, eat something and give it an hour. Massage your boobs, use a heat compress and then hand express a bit before pumping as it helps.

Hydration can definitely affect how much you can express but please try not worry too much - Babies are far better at getting milk than a pump is. I’m one of those people who could barely get anything at all by pumping and we’re still breastfeeding at 2 1/2 years old.

@Chardonnay Thanks, I didn't take my pump off and pumped again about 20mins after the first session and that's when I saw there was literally no milk

@Samantha Yeah I haven't been good with food or hydration but this has never happened before. Maybe I was even worse with not drinking. I don't have much caffeine anymore, have been having fennel tea and camomile instead. As well as oat milk. I always try to massage my boobs and hand express for a couple of mins before pumping. I'm eaten and drunk more today so giving it a go again as I've just had a nice hot shower. Thanks for your advice x

@Charlotte Thanks for the reassurance. Not sure that baby gets much as my nipples are lipstick after he sucks and earlier he had formula after being on the breast because he seemed so hungry. I'll persevere and must be better with the hydration x

You might not be using the right flanges, but if baby is receiving mostly formula then yes this will dry you up. Constant latching and or pumping every 3 hours around the clock can bring your supply back up

Pumping doesn’t indicate supply - baby is much more effective at getting milk than a pump ever will be. Best thing to do is latch baby lots! Do you have a breastfeeding support group you can go to to get support for the latch?

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