Paranoid af

Hi mums. Got a little boy who is turning 3 this month. We have been properly trying for a second since January. Had a chemical pregnancy (I think in Jan). Wasn’t even sure what it was because one evening clear blue showed me as pregnant and the next couple of days, it was negative. Not sure if it was a false positive and I wasn’t tracking my periods at the time either. Basically, I’ve missed my period this month. Was supposed to start on Tuesday 3rd, didn’t start. My boobs have been hurting too. Did a clear blue and it was positive. I did another one yday and it was also positive and one cheap Sainsbury one this morning- also positive. I guess i’m just really paranoid because I don’t want a repeat of the situation in Jan. Am I defo pregnant? I guess I don’t know what i’m asking for by writing this post…
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If your test are all positive then yes you are pregnant

Sounds like you’re pregnant 🥰 wishing you all the best xx

I was also due Tuesday and got my positive last Saturday!! Congratulations

Thank you so much mamas x

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