Hi, my son was/is like that. We have been given hypoallergenic formula by gp on prescription(Nutramigen LLG) it helped a little. He is also on Omeprazole 🙈 is not great but better than it was. I hope your little one is doing better. It was challenging to see him in so much discomfort. Big hugs x
Hi! What helped us may not help you but what we did is we changed the bottle to mam. My son was on hypoallergenic formula(only premade he liked). It was expensive but worth it bc he didn’t vomit anymore, he was also on formula because he was allergic to my breastmilk. That helped soo much! I believe they told me gripe water, but my son would vomit that up every time. Again every baby is different He was also on some medicine that helped him . I’m so sorry you’re going through this if you need any more advice let me know