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How soon did you smoke your first blunt after giving birth?
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Like a week and a half almost 2 weeks I honestly would have sooner but I was scared to cough and I had a c section so it hurt a lot to cough


I was hitting my pen in the bathroom after delivery 😅

@Rose I’m definitely wondering how soon I’ll be ready after my C-section lol

@Girlmama Ctfu 😂😂

As soon as I got home, 3 days after giving birth

The day I got released from the hospital which was the next day

Lmao the next day I was home so then

1 day since I was in the hospital lol

2 days

@Kedra lol I packed it in the hospital bag my husband says to me.. “are you stoned right now?” 🤪 Yessir I am

@Girlmama 😂😂😂😂😂☠️

@Girlmama I want to be like you lol #goals

@Kedra I’m loling 🤪😂

Lol i found my people

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Omg I can’t wait to get high I been wanting to break hubby blunt I swear

As soon as I got discharge from the hospital my husband had a pen for me to hit

the night i got discharged and had to leave my baby in the hospital

I waited till I was done breastfeeding

Lol like 1 & 1/2 months after I gave birth. I tried breastfeeding & it wasn't working so I switched to formula & started smoking mary-jane again

1 week after being sent home

The day I got home. I had a c-section & just brought my cough pillow on the porch 😂

@Patricia Hold up ! A cough pillow ? Girl pmo 😂

@Ny you ain’t ever heard of one. they give them to you after surgery on your stomach and abdomen to help with the pain when you are coughing or getting up.

@Kalli nah they never gave me one 😩 but I'm in a different state so they might give me one here

@Ny oh shit that’s stupid there supposed to.

When I get home no jk … uhhh I think I gave it 2-3 weeks after I got out hospital

Does anyone know how much thc would get into the breast milk? (if any)

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