
I know it's early, but has anyone been thinking about announcement ideas? Have you told anyone yet? We haven't told anyone yet, and I don't plan on it for a little while, but it's exciting to think about announcing to friends and family!
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We’re horrible at secrets lol! We told close friends and family

I waited 12 weeks with my first but am dying to tell everyone this time around. Haven’t yet but keeping it a secret seems harder this time

@Kadia did you do it in a specific way? Or just word vomit

@Jen we just FaceTimed / called. Everyone is at least an hour away if not multiple hours so that’s what worked for us 💓 this is out second so we said how do you feel about being a (insert their title to your child) again

@Patrice im the opposite. I was so eager to tell everyone with the first and told grandparents and best friends right away whereas this time around I kind of want to hold onto the secret a little longer and just have it be our little families secret

I did family on FaceTime but was trying to think of something cute for family friends etc… but have no good ideas

Once I get my first ultrasound I will be taking pics with my husband and daughter with it and then sending to family and friends along with the gender reveal invite

We only told our parents by giving them a customized onesie and our close friends. We are waiting til 12 weeks to tell everyone else. I’m 7 weeks now. I’m thinking of doing a Halloween announcement since I’ll be 12 weeks mid October. Getting a onesie putting pumpkins around it with bats and making it like fall/halloween theme. And we have the board with letters. We’ll add something cute on there. Pinterest has so many cute ideas lol I’m obsessed!

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