Sibling for my 2 year old

Hi everyone, me and my partner already have a 2 year old girl and have recently decided to try for baby no 2 and have been trying for a few months now however me and my partner aren’t getting along at the moment - we go through stages where he can be absolutely horrible to me over nothing where he snaps easily, shouts at me in front of my daughter and calls me names & says hurtful things. I would love my little girl to have a sibling but at the same time I wouldnt want to bring another child into a toxic relationship and for it to be x10 harder, do you think I’m doing the right thing deciding to stop trying for baby no 2? I feel guilty for my little girl and I would love another baby I just don’t think it’s the right decision right now however I am nearly 32 so I know a huge amount of time isn’t on my side.
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From what you’ve said, I would leave the toxic relationship because it sounds as if you and your girl deserve better. In time when you’re happy & settled, if you feel the time is right then absolutely try for baby number 2. I see so many people staying in the same relationship to extend their family because they don’t want different fathers for their children - but that’s not what’s important here. As long as a child is loved and happy, that’s what’s it important. And you deserve happiness too. Also, don’t feel that your daughter needs a sibling either because she has you, and will have socialisation through piers and nursery/school etc. I don’t think you’re in the wrong for focussing on what you have now at all, in fact I think it’s sensible and admirable x

@Abbie couldn't have put that better! You're very right, I'm also in a similar situation and have thought about staying till a second comes along, but that's silly just because of not wanting multiple fathers. Your point is very helpful, thank you 😊 I'm sure incognito will find it helpful as well xx

@Emily no problem lovely, hope you’re ok xx

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