I’m begging someone to have answers or just something I can do to stop it. My 2 year old daughter will not stop spitting. She spits on her finger then put it on her toys, clothes, blankets, EVERY fucking thing and I’m sorry but it’s driving me crazy she’s ruining all her nice stuff and for what? Please can someone give me an answer because it’s disgusting and it’s too much, I can’t leave her alone for even 5 minutes before she starts doing it and I can’t take it anymore, I’m pregnant with my second and I just can’t deal with this issue as well as a new baby I need it to stop now. Please help me.
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every behaviour is communication, so this seems like it could be an attempt for attention? and if you’re giving this type of any type of attention, it will fuel it more because their brains can’t correlate what is a good/bad reaction, they just like the fact that they got some sort of attention. if she can understand you verbally, whenever you notice her spitting i would try to redirect the action, i’d get onto her level and lightly place a hand on her shoulder or chest to encourage connection to what im about to say, which would be something like “spit stays in our mouth, but make this funny sound instead” and you could show her a different action like vibrating your lips? or “if we spit on our toy, mummy will have to take it away to keep it safe” and give no more than two chances. if there is any screen time, i’d monitor it heavily if you’re not already as children can pick up behaviours like this from what they’ve watched and not know any better💘

pregnancy with other children to look after is so so difficult, have you been able to spend much 1-1 time with her doing engaging things? it’s so much harder when pregnant but the they can really feel lack of attention/time and express it in difficult ways in order to receive that. i’m not at all saying thats what you’re neglecting, but it is something you should consider if it helps to curb more challenging pleas for attention. maybe playing things like doctor, hair salon, cooking with pretend food so you don’t have to do much moving! ❤️ sending love

Honestly I’m never away from her, apart from when I’m in the other rooms cleaning and she’s watching tv, I haven’t had a night or day off in over a year, she gets my undivided attention but I’ve been on my phone a bit more lately due to some personal issues and maybe it could be that she’s picking up on? I guess we don’t go out as much recently because my energy has literally been non existent, but we do things in the house often. She understands more than she speaks but do you think as she’s becoming more aware of the new baby it’s making her change?

If it's a sensory thing, redirecting to something with a similar sensation can help - for example, blowing bubbles in a cup with a straw?

children are generally very sensitive and aware of how their caregivers are feeling and acting but your little one is still so young i’m not sure if they would be seeking attention in such ways because they don’t know how to process what they’re sensing from you, my eldest is 2 and a half and she’s only just started to sense when i’m grumpy, upset or angry even when it’s not anything to do with her, so she’ll ask me if im happy. does she acknowledge your bump? my youngest (1 and a half) has absolutely no idea that there is a baby in my tummy and that he’ll be here shortly and i don’t believe she can sense it or will naturally become aware of it until he’s physically here, whereas my 2.5 year old acknowledges baby in my tummy, wants to feel him move, and wants to feed him milk and hold him, but again i don’t think she quite comprehends that there will be a very real baby here soon (god willing) .its very difficult to pin point it especially as you’re engaged at home!

i would try what jodie suggested! you could try some more sensory related activities, things that are easy going for you while pregnant, water in bowls with different size spoons to play around with, collecting pebbles and flowers outside and putting them in water, kinetic sand etc. my suggestions are quite rubbish but instagram will have loads! xx

This is literally my firstborn… he would spit on the floor or toys even iPad or remote control just to twirl his finger in it. He would also hit me for I apparent reason… It literally all started when I was pregnant with my 2nd and like you; we weren’t going out as much (just too exhausted). Things kinda improved when I would provide more activities or just sit together to read more than usual - telling him off defo didn’t do anything, he just found it funny. So since the birth of his brother I’ve noticed it started a little, here and there but this time it’s more trying to mimic his little brother as he’s drooling a lot especially during tummy time… anytime I notice my toddler spitting… I place the focus on the baby saying that’s yucky and point to his drools… and my toddler just looks at me & somewhat stopped 🤷🏽‍♀️

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