3 year old

I’m really starting to find my 3 year old unbearable! When does it get easier? I have a just turned 3 year old and 3 week old, eldest is obviously playing up which I assume is mostly due to the new addition, and lots of other change with moving to pre school etc but I’m finding it so so hard. Everything is a no, every no turns into a kick off that there’s no coming down from. It’s like we’re on a power struggle of who gets their own way between us. I’m going to have him home one day a week with my baby but I’m absolutely dreading the first time, next week, already, I don’t know how I’m going to manage keeping him entertained all day and looking after a 4 week old. Going out the house with them both feels out of the equation atm as I don’t know how I’ll physically be able to handle both. He’s a very determined, independent little boy so he’s quite hard to manage when he gets in one (previous to past two weeks he rarely got on one so wasn’t too bad). I also know it’s just a phase but how long?
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You are in the newborn trenches. Your hormones are still all over the place. Take it day by day and please don't blame your 3 year old for struggling to manage behaviours at such a huge impacting time. Their whole world has changed.

@Jess I’m not blaming my 3 year old, I’m asking for advice and experiences on who has been through the same as I am clearly finding it hard, newborn trenches or not. Your comment isn’t very helpful.

So could be the new baby or could be delay terrible twos lol. Either way you are doing great and it will get better..my 2 old has similar reactions. What helped me was taking my eldest out on our own for an hour to play football, I would feed baby and leave with dad and that way he got one on one time. Also whenever baby is asleep try doing activities together and then include baby once awake or get toddler involved in activities with baby. It is overwhelming at first to juggle but you'll find your groove

@Michaela thank you! We’re trying lots of one on one time, he’s being the same with his dad too and they’re thick as thieves normally so it is definitely just a phase.

I’ve just been through this, my little girl turned 2 when baby boy arrived in March. She went from a very chill to throwing tantrums and refusing to sleep or acknowledge the baby at all, she actually once sat on top of him whilst I was feeding him. Just here to say it’s bloody hard at first but it does get better and they do adjust to a new routine. Totally understand the fear of going out too, I still dread it some days and I only have the both once a week but I’ve found getting out to a toddler class works for us and now baby boy is 5 months old he is able to sit and take it in and she feels like she has some dedicated time with me. I still have a lot of mum guilt being torn between the two of them but it’s getting better every week. Hang in there, you’re doing amazing 🤩 in a few months time things will feel different for you all. feel free you message me any time if you want to chat x

Omg I could have written this and my second isn't even born yet!! Since my LO has turned 3, he has changed so much and everything feels like a fight. It's absolutely exhausting and we've got baby number 2 arriving in the next few weeks. I'm not anticipating a smooth transition to be honest but I'll be as hopeful as I can. Hope you see light at the end of the tunnel soon x

@mama today was a better day despite being in most of the day with poor weather. We did lots of taking it in turns with the toddler as we started seeing him get bored, the swapping parent and activities seemed to help, hopefully not a one off x

That sounds very promising! Glad you had an easier day, sounds like it came at the right time x

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