Induction precces

Hello. I’m due to be induced tomorrow at QA but they said wait on a phone call. How likely am I being called in tomorrow?
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i got called in at 11PM on the day they scheduled my induction when i was pregnant, so i would say most likely :) x

Very, I also got called about 10.30/11pm, went straight in and was induced by about 1am c

I was due to be induced on a Monday was called 7pm on the Wednesday and then didn’t end up being induced as was sent home and labour started naturally the next morning

It’s all based on priority. Being induced bc of problems with baby or mum, reduced movement, high BP etc and it’s very likely you’ll get the call tomorrow x

I was called up 8 pm on Monday x

Was you left on your own as visiting times is only 9-9?

I was called in at 10am on the day is was told I would be called. I think it all depends on when a bed becomes available and the reasons you are being induced. I’m sure you’ll get the call. Hope all goes well for you x

i had to go in on my own as it was so late but my partner was there 9-9 everyday x

Thank you everyone ❤️

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