Baby harness

What's everyone's thoughts on a baby harness? My LO is walking already and I'm starting to get back ache etc from bending down to hold her hand when we are outside. I've been looking at getting a walking harness for safety and to save my posture. Is it too much like putting a baby on a lead like we would our pet dogs? 🤔
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Love them, my back is killing me already and I literally had the same thought today. My brother was a reins child and if it wasn't for them, he would have gone missing numerous times 😂

I still use reins with my son and he's 3 in a few days. 100% recommend reins but also recommend teaching to hold hand at dangerous points like roads even with them on. Another handy thing is like a strap that attached to the pram they can hold onto

I shall be getting reins for my LB as soon as he can walk otherwise he'd be trying to get everywhere 😅 my sister recommended boomereins to me as the bit you have actually goes around your waist so you've still got 2 free hands but I've not been able to find them in stock anywhere yet 😔 x

Thanks for the recommendations. I'll be buying some ASAP

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