Lunch idea for pre schoolers

Hi mum, my daughter turned 3 and she started to take her lunch from home. I gave her a sandwich, fruit, and salad for lunch. She didn't like to eat it every day. Can you please suggest new recipes. She is vegetarian too
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I’d stick with sandwich and fruit but maybe put some like houmous and veg/breadsticks in or cheese cubes etc then maybe like a little biscuit or fruit yoyo? My older children (they eat a normal diet, compared to July 21 baby) have a sandwich, crisps (or similar), fruit, little biscuits/sweet treat, then something with added protein- chicken bites, cheese cubes, houmous etc! My middle boy never used to eat sandwiches so at preschool I used to make him like a little grazing platter- cheese, chorizo, breadsticks, cucumber and some sort of dip! My advice would be don’t over complicate it 😂

My daughter is also vegetarian and I find Edamame is always a good healthy snack. Could have Hummus or cheese wraps. Falafel pieces. Pasta (either pesto or tomato) boiled egg, Quorn sausage rolls, rice salad,

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