This feel like a silly question..

Hi moms! I’m still new to pumping & breast feeding. I’m having issues with baby latching but I still try at every feeding and then I pump afterwards. I usually pump about 60 mLs on my right side. But today I managed to nurse baby for about 15 mins (❤️) beforehand and then pumped out 30 mLs. Would this mean she took in the difference or could it be my supply dropped?
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How old is baby? It could be she only drank about an oz. I am 5 months PP and almost pump the same amount of milk each time from each breast, so if I breastfeed her and then pump I assume she drank the difference.

@Katelyn she is 1 week old

Oh momma you’re good. Keep feeding and pumping your supply will be just fine! If you’re ever worried if she’s eating enough with the poor latch you can do a weighted feed (lactation consultants can help with this). It took a couple months to get my girl to latch and feed properly so hang in there. And great job! 💛

@Katelyn thank you! At least I feel I’m doing something right. I will ask about the weighted feeds ❤️

Hi mum, many congratulations on the arrival of your baby. I would suggest to try skin to skin before every feed that will help baby awaken the gross motor and fine motor skills. Hold baby gently across your body, lip central to nipple and baby will instinctively open mouth and draw nipple. Please do not worry about how much you pump! Baby will regulate your supply. Hope that helps Nida Breastfeeding practitioner

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