Pregnant with a 1 year old (13 month old)

My girl is 13 months today and I’m 18 weeks pregnant I’m still breastfeeding but ouch she kicks me in the stomach so many times a day not lightly either boots me with her feet when feeding and rolling around is anyone else dealing with this😂
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Yes lol. My son is almost 11 months old but when he turns 1 next month I’ll be weaning him off breastmilk completely so that will be the end of that! He likes cows milk when I’ve offered it to him and he’s vastly reduced his feeds and prefers solids so I’m grateful for that!

My girl is 14 months and I’m 16 weeks however we ended up weaning at 12.5 months. I always thought we’d continue a little longer but we’re down to 1 feed and she didn’t absolutely need it and then had aversion and felt so nauseous so we stopped. I think it’s amazing you are feeding and so congrats to getting through this far. Could you look at position or try lying down. Obviously her kicks won’t hurt baby or anything but as you get bigger probably not ideal and also not for you. Maybe some boundary setting just like you would for any meal time. It’s a good time to implement this and some good resources around it on breastfeeding groups.

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