Leaking whilst feeding

Help. What do you do about it? My boy is only 6 days old and despite having a tongue tie I’ve managed to maintain his birth weight so far! Question is - whilst I’m feeding him the other side is leaking everywhere - pumped a hour ago just for a few mins but I’m pretty sure they emptied, and then got into bed with him feeding and I’ve saturated my pj top and his knee. Will this stop eventually? I don’t want to wear a bra to bed - just wanna be comfy!
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Hold a muslin against the other boob. I'm 9 months in and I leak from the non feeding boob still. I know you don't want to wear a bra but the M&S nursing stretchy bras are MEGA comfy

you can put a manual pump or shell catcher to collect the milk instead of wasting

It’s your let down and it may stabilise soon! Mine hasn’t, I still have to wear breast pads 9 months PP, but if I want to go braless to bed, I just have a muslin ready on the other side when I’m feeding. Definitely use catchers in the day though and you can keep the milk to have a stash. Can be frozen for 6 months, used in baths if you don’t see it being used in bottles

The breast pads haven’t ended for me I’m 9mo pp! Elvie catchy works well or if you want to store extra milk then the elvie curve is great and just swap over when he changes boob. I haven’t worn a conventional bra in nearly 2 years I opt for the pajama top things from primark, super comfortable with out being restrictive but also allows for bra pads and breast pumps etc. imo best bra pads are from home bargains if you’re in the uk, mam are the worst I’ve tried followed by lillets, don’t get me wrong they absorb fine but the sticky backs are rubbish. Barely anything on the mam ones so they move all over the place and too much on the lillets so constantly having to gingerly peel nipples off them or leaking because they’ve folded over when breastfeeding 🙄

Use the ladybug haaka milk collecter, it doesn't have any suction just literally collect the let down from the other side while you feed

Also breast pads are an absolute must, for the first 3 months I had to change them 10 times a day 😭

I second the ladybug haaka!! It's wonderful!

Hi Kirsty, I would like to assure you even with tongue tie babies breastfeed beautifully! I would suggest not to electress express unless it’s an absolute reason because in the early days of breastfeeding baby will regulate the milk flow if breast being expressed it will increase milk supply and may cause high milk volume and blocked ducts. Hope that helps Nida Breastfeeding Practitioner

If you’re at home and sat up, pop a collection cup in and you can freeze it! Don’t do it laying down else it’ll spill haha! Other than that, breast pads are great

I bought washable pads from boots in the end as I hated the disposable ones. 9 months in and still need one just on one side

Collection shells 😌

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