What to dress baby for nursery?

My 9 month old is starting nursery next week, he’s mostly in babygrows at home and outfits when we go out. I’m wondering what to dress him in for nursery. Will babygrows be okay or should I get leggings/joggers and shirts.
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I've been putting her in top and bottoms to make nappy or clothes changing easier

Before buying anything new maybe ask the nursery xx

Two piece outfits and a vest are good. Then if they get mucky they don’t need a full outfit change. For my eldest I always sent her in leggings and a t shirt (it was warm in there) plus a vest underneath then spare of the same. We didn’t bother with socks as they always got lost and we added them when she started wearing shoes. We always did second hand too stuff we didn’t mind getting covered in paint or food stains. I remember finding “nursery bundles” on Vinted or buying cheap stuff from Primark.

My kids nursery prefers leggings with a jumper or T-shirt. Just easier for changing nappies. They directly requested no dungarees 😂 I’m sure babygro would be fine but equally it’s fussier to do up all the poppers.

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