
Anyone else’s 10 month not yet crawling?
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Mine isn't yet, I'm enjoying it for as long as I can 😅

Mine is Army crawling but not much but learning to pull himself up to stand now doesn’t wanna sit down anymore 😅🥹💙

My girl isn’t crawling x

No crawling here yet either! It's been looking like she might start crawling at any moment for a while now but she just doesn't seem very bothered. She loves being on her feet though!

My girl isn’t crawling yet either!

No. I’m sad. He would have so much more fun if he could. Showing no signs of moving anytime soon

Mine isn't either and she doesn't seem too interested in moving lol

My little girl isn’t crawling yet either

My LO isn't crawling either x

My little one will be 10 months on the 15th but was 3+ weeks early he isht crawling or getting in and out of sitting himself either ,, he die shy seem Interested, I see posts on here all the time about November babies waking etc and I worry he’s behind xx

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