Sex to induce labour 39 weeks

I’ve been having mild cramping and a lot of pressure now for a few days and today was the third time we’ve tried having sex since it started. A couple of hours later I started having constant period-like cramping with on and off pain and intensity for the rest of the day. I even thought I might be having contractions a couple of times but no idea what I’m really looking out for 🤷‍♀️ Then this evening it just calmed down and stopped. I’m still pretty uncomfortable and having some BH but that’s quite normal for me at this point. Has anyone else experienced this? Does it mean labour is near? Does it mean anything at all?! 🙈 I’m very uncomfortable now, especially at night, and I would love it he could just come out now. I know so many of you will resonate with this late preggo feeling! Especially other FTMs ❤️
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I hope it means that your cervix did some work and opened up! I couldn’t find any studies that would pinpoint what sort of pain level or type of contraction we want for cervix to start dilating, I just know some contractions will thin out the cervix and dilate it. So I really hope your pains here and there are the sign that it’s working as it should be :) I’ve had something similar (although no sex because just not in that mood haha) and I was told at my 37w appointment I was 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced so I really hope it means something similar on your end too

As a second time mum... it started like period cramping, every 10 or so minutes.... then getting stronger as they got closer. Now you can have these types of pains for a while, they stop and keep going for weeks possibly. It is why some people are 1 or 2 cm dilated for a week or 2 before they give birth. The pain tends to need to be in the area you would normally feel cramps for periods, and spread upwards the more you progress.

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