Pregnant again?

I had my baby 9 weeks ago and still haven't come on my period yet. Me and my partner have had a few times unprotected recently. I've taken a couple of tests and they are negative. Is there still a chance I could be pregnant?
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are you breastfeeding? sometimes breastfeeding can prevent your period coming.

I am just bottle feeding

I bottle feed and I’m going on month 7 with no period and definitely not pregnant

My periods were so irregular for a while, 4 months post partum now and they are only just getting regular again

Im 13 weeks pp and haven't had a period yet. It can take awhile for it to come back

Yeup. Happened to me and I’m now 16 weeks pregnant with a nearly 5 month old.

You might be testing too early because I did that too. I only found out I was pregnant after I lost one of the twins around week 8. When they told me I still had 1 baby in me lol.

My sons 3 in December and I never had a period after him, I am now 37 weeks pregnant but I hadn’t had one for two years before I got pregnant so I wouldn’t worry x

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